Submit completed form including scope of work, budget and other submission information by. Item of correspondence. Save time on paperwork! Professional transmittals with checkbox format are a fast, accurate way to send. TRANSMITTAL OF REGISTRATION APPLICATIONS. Submitter will complete shaded area only). FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY. Welcome to the transmittal section for UCLA staff members. We look forward to assisting you, so that you can assist our students. Transmittal Letter. On this page, you will be able. Publication 5 Hazardous, Restricte and Perishable Mail, provides important information to help mailers determine what may. A transmittal or cover letter accompanies a larger item, usually a document. The transmittal letter provides the recipient with a specific context in which to place. A letter of transmittal is a type of short cover letter or business letter that accompanies a document to explain the purpose or importance of it.